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Strong Community Spirit

Support our mission to provide access to basic needs on Near Eastside

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Our Mission

Westminster Neighborhood Services provides education support, access to basic needs, and community connections to empower neighbors and strengthen youth and families on the Near Eastside of Indianapolis.


Our Vision

Westminster Neighborhood Services envisions a collaborative community in which all residents are supported to reach their full potential; thus, fulfilling Christ’s call of bringing hope to the people of God.


Our Value

Believing in the value and worth of all people, no services will be denied based on faith tradition. Nor does WNS offer its services on the condition that people must listen and respond to messages designed to a particular faith.

The Neighborhood We Serve

Westminster's holistic approach to serve the entire family is important to the thousands of neighbors that come through the doors annually. The relationship built with the families is so important; at times we might be the only ones cheering on these families and helping them navigate hard situations they face daily. 42% of the neighborhood living below the poverty level and 21% live with an annual income less than $10,000. That comes with barriers that they need help over coming, and Westminster’s services are essential to help families break down those barriers and break free from the obstacles holding them back in life.

Click Here to see if your address is within our boundaries

Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen Hours

Mondays & Thursdays 
Food Pantry: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Soup Kitchen: 10:00 AM-11:45AM

Food Pantry: 6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Sandwiches served


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What We Do At Westminster

Get Involved

There are several impactful ways individuals can contribute to our cause. Financial donations play a crucial role in allowing us to keep our food pantry shelves stocked and expand access to our vital kids' programs. Volunteering one's time in the food pantry, soup kitchen, or after-school program fosters direct engagement and support. Another simple yet effective way to help is by subscribing to our newsletter and following us on social media, where sharing our posts amplifies our message and expands our reach. Together, through these acts of generosity and solidarity, we can make a meaningful impact on our community.

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